Aaliya Bhat is currently busy with different projects. The teaser of her upcoming film “Jigra” was released a long time ago. Alia has said about Jigra that this film will hit the theatres on September 27. In the film, Vedang Raina is playing the lead role along with Alia Bhat. The teaser of the film tells the story of two siblings. Aaliya and Vedang will be seen in the role of brother and sister. Alia had posted photos from the shooting of the film on her Instagram account. The two are seen having good chemistry in it. This film is directed by Vasant Bala. Aaliya is in the role of a sister and she will face every crisis that comes to her brother. This film will be an action thriller film. Alia’s look will be a little different in the film. For this, she has lost a lot of weight. And her face has been shown to be a little Japanese. The reason behind this is not known. Alia is not only an actress in this film, but she is also the producer of this film. Alia’s company Eternal Sunshine along with Dharma Productions will produce this film. Alia said in an interview that this is my third film as a producer. As a producer in the film, I had to learn many things from my co-producer, and gradually I am also taking on the responsibility of a producer. Vedang Raina had previously appeared in the film The Archies. Alia has done different roles in her acting career in a very short time. She has done films with good subjects at a young age. Jigra will also be such a film. Alia has started her production company Eternal Sunshine. In it, she has produced some films like Darlwing and Porcher. That is, along with acting, she is also taking on the responsibility of a producer.
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Great article and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is actually the best place
to ask but do you folks have any thoughts on where to employ some professional writers?
Thx 🙂 Escape roomy lista