Giving three to four movies a year is a special feature of Akshay Kumar. Akshay has given many superhit movies to Bollywood. Akshay Kumar’s name is also among the big stars in Bollywood. Often Akshay’s movies are seen as super flops. That is, although Akshay currently holds the record for making the most movies, he also holds the record for giving the most flop movies in the entire year. Due to this, Akshay, who makes many movies a year, has to face trolling from the audience when his movie flops despite having a good poster. However, Akshay is always busy in his favorite acting field regardless of this. Akshay says that each movie takes only 40 to 50 days to make, so I can definitely do at least 3 to 4 movies a year. Now again, Akshay has shared the poster of Akshay’s new movie on his Instagram account. The name of his upcoming movie is “Sarafira” and this movie is a remake of the Tamil movie Soorarai Pottru. This Tamil movie had South star Surya. This movie was a super hit in Tamil. Now the remake of this movie is coming with the name Sarfira. In this movie, Akshay Kumar plays the role of an officer and after the death of his father who is abroad, he is unable to return home due to lack of money for a plane ticket. After this tragic incident, this officer takes inspiration from it and starts his own airline and travels by plane for the poor people. This movie has a very inspiring and different subject and this movie has a star cast along with Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal, Radhika Madan, Seema Vishwas. The movie is directed by female director Sudha Prasad. Akshay has only shared the poster of the movie and has given information about the trailer and release date of the movie. The trailer of the movie will be released on June 18 and the movie will be released in theaters on July 12.
Akshay’s previous films have not been particularly successful, but his films “Bellbottom” and “Bade Mia Chhote Mia” have both been semi-hits. So, whether Sarfira can bring Akshay’s flop car back to the track of a hit will be known after the release of this film.
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